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Saturday, November 4, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Long time readers of PoliBlog may recall the run-in I had over the name “PoliBlog” with the Seattle Times, now Verizon is getting into the act. Apparently they just started the thing on November 1st.

Why is it so hard for these people to Google the name before they start using it?

The page has very poor access in terms of communication (no webmaster to e-mail, for example), although I did e-mail their representative for copyright violations, even though that isn’t the issue, so we will see what happens.

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6 Responses to “Here We Go Again”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Jay Says:


      What’s really lame is that they are using “poli” for policy, rather than politics. I was tempted to leave a comment - at least the moderator would see it - chiding their trademark violation.

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      If I don’t hear from the copyright guy PDQ (i.e., by mid-week) I may have to start doing that. Indeed, I might have to mobilize my own little Army of Davids to that end. ;)

    3. Ratoe Says:

      Sue the bastards!

    4. The Misanthrope Says:

      Good luck! It’s nice when you have friends who are attorneys.

    5. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Verizon Says:

      [...] The basic story is here. Filed under: Blogging | |Send TrackBack [...]

    6. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Verizon’s Faux PoliBlog Says:

      [...] Previous posts on this issue are here, here and here. [...]

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