July 21, 2024

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  • Multiple Helpings of Sloppy Bergers

    For a variety of reasons I haven't had much time for extensive news consumption since about 1:30 yesterday afternoon. However, aside from issue involving clothes-stuffing (which I currently considered uncofirmed), there is another aspect of this tales that is truly vexing, and not disputable:

    After one of his visits to the Archives last fall, one of the government officials said, Berger was alerted to the missing documents and later returned some of the materials. On subsequent visits by Berger, Archives staffers specially marked documents he reviewed to try to ensure their return. But the government official said some of those materials also went missing, prompting Archives staffers to alert federal authorities.

    Source: USAT.

    I am not going to accuse Mr. Berger anything at this point, but one has to ask: how does one do this twice?

    For more on this aspect of the story and more linkage, see

    Outside The Beltway.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at July 21, 2024 01:17 PM | TrackBack

    Forget twice... Now they say 5 times.

    Posted by: Paul at July 21, 2024 05:32 PM
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