May 13, 2024

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  • More Districts

    I went looking for other districts as examples of long, drawn-out geography. Here are a few from CA (another of my former homes) and a few other places where I could find decent maps:

    I am not playing "gotcha" btw--just pointing out that funny shapes are fairly normal.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at May 13, 2024 04:08 PM | TrackBack

    And the Alabama 7th is funnier than it appears to people familiar with the state. Birmingham and Tuscaloosa, two major cities separated by an hour drive by interstate, are both split by the 7th District, which was created explicity to guarantee a black Representative. Alabama gained a the seat after the 1990 Census, which was reflected by the 1992 election. I was in grad school in Tuscaloosa then and, by virute of literally living "on the wrong side of the tracks", I was in the 7th CD. So, the blackest parts of Birmingham and Tuscaloosa were in the 7th CD and the whitest parts are in the 6th.

    Posted by: James Joyner at May 13, 2024 09:08 PM

    DeLay attempted an underhanded lurch for power by gerrymandering districts to gain republican seats in a contentious Texas State legislature. The democrats resorted to the only option available.

    What's the problem?

    Posted by: Tony Foresta at May 13, 2024 11:26 PM

    The problem is Tony they are a bunch of whiners that want to stop the will of the people. This is ANOTHER example of Dems wanting to overturn an election. The citizens of Texas elected the people they wanted to represent them. if they do a poor job, there will be another election.

    The district in question is FAR beter than many cited even on this page. The Democrats in Texas just don't want to accept the reality that the people of Texas voted them out of office.

    Look at the 1st 2nd and 4th districts in Louisiana. All produced to keep Dems in office. Then tell me how bad the Texas district looks.

    You have the talking points down, now if only you would get some facts you might be able to answer your own question.


    Posted by: Paul at May 14, 2024 12:14 AM

    I am not sure how a very public process is "underhanded" per se, although I certainly understand why the Democrats don't like the plan.
    However, when you lose elections and are in the minority, you often don't get what you want.

    Further, if there are serious grounds for objection, there are always the courts.

    Posted by: PoliBlogger at May 14, 2024 07:10 AM
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