Monday, April 24, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

I had no idea that today was National Argument by Historical Analogy Day, yet as I poke around the ‘net this morning I am struck first by Arthur Schlesinger Jr. in the pages of WaPo (
Bush’s Thousand Days) noting that Abraham Lincoln eschewed the notion of preemptive war, as did President’s Truman and Eisenhower as a means of criticizing the current President.

Meanwhile (and somewhat ironically) Thomas Bray at Real Clear Politics is using Lincoln to show how his actions in the Civil War and Bush’s actions in the Iraq War have substantial parallels. The argument strikes me, however, as rather strained.

Over in the LAT, Zbigniew Brzezinski is arguing that the talk about Iran is very much like the talk about Iraq three or so years ago. Ok, so no presidents of yore are mentioned in the piece, but still it fits the basic idea. And, of the analogizing mentioned, it is probably the one with the best fit.

Well, okay, not that many examples (and two of the pieces are actually from yesterday), but still, if there ever is a National Argument by Historical Analogy Day, and there’s a parade, I nominate Dorris Kearns Goodwin to be the Grand Marshall.

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2 Responses to “National Argument by Historical Analogy Day”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Sean Hackbarth Says:

      Will Kearns Goodwin be providing plagarized quotes?

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      I bet she could even plagiarize some historical analogies if you like!

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