Tuesday, January 24, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

For some odd reason, the administration has let over a year pass without replacing the ambassador to Australia.

The CSM has the story: Please, sir, may we have an ambassador?

I will grant that Australia is a huge ally, and not in need of significant diplomatic prodding, and in the age of instantaneous communication, ambassadors aren’t what they used to be, this still strikes me as strange.

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One Response to “Ambassadorless Down Under”

  • el
  • pt
    1. The Florida Masochist Says:

      An opening down under

      Dr Taylor is right, Australia is a big ally not in need of much diplomatic work but leaving the post open is strange. But TFM has a solution. I know someone who would be perfect for the job, she’s charming, intelligent, a minority(Republican too), ca…

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