Saturday, September 24, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

I didn’t wholly like all the questions, and it seems like there needed to be a fifth “neutral” response category. Plus serious answers would require far more nuance than Strongly Disagree/Disagree/Agree/Strongly Disagree, but still, about where I would put myself, I guess.

Although, ideological labels make me itchy. “Social liberal” really doesn’t describe me, except in the sense that I don’t think that the government ought to be telling citizens what to do on a host of issues. Now, when it comes to what I think is right and wrong, I am far more socially conservative.

For example, I am a praying person who does not believe in school prayer.

If anything, I am a classic liberal–but then again, that all just gets to the linguistic fact that we don’t fully understand the term liberal in our (i.e., US) political discourse.

You are a

Social Liberal
(71% permissive)

and an…

Economic Conservative
(80% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating

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11 Responses to “Fun with Quizzes”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Matt Says:

      I completely agree with you about the need for a little more nuance.

      I ended up exactly on the vertical line on top of the word capitalist. What was strange was that my wife (extra-super hippie liberal when I met her) ended up firmly settled in just above the word Republican. 9/11 really did change some things.

    2. Bryan S. Says:

      I was almost dead center on the original version of this test, the “political compass” test. Of course, “neutral” is really a weasel option and hardly worth putting as an option.

    3. Matt Says:

      If you change “Neutral” to “I Could care Less”, I could go for it.

    4. Jan Says:

      I was a social liberal and an economic liberal. Best described as a Socialist. No big surprises there I guess. :)

    5. » Am I the real “moderate voice”? » Arguing with signposts… » Blog Archive Says:

      [...] Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid via another “social liberal,” poliblogger Steven Taylor.

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    6. Matthew Says:

      Cupid on-line dating, huh? Doesn’t Sherry monitor your one-line habits? :-)

    7. Matthew Says:

      Well, I took THE TEST. Agreed it needs a neutral category for the questions. For example, it asks if you feel guilty when you shop at large national chains. I don’t shop at them. There were others like that, too.

      Anyway, it said I am 75% social liberal and 18% economic liberal. Seems not too far off, but if I had looked at their ideological graph before taking the test, I would have put myself a bit higher on the econ dimension than where they put me–on the border of “Democrat” and “socialist.” That would make more sense than the label the test gave me (socialist), because I always define myself as somewhere between a social democrat and a green.

      But for a test with no nuance whatsoever, I think it did reasonably well. A lot better than I thought it would do as I was taking it.

      One final thought on this: In their two dimensional ideological space, why does”totalitarian” extend almost all the way to the center? It makes no sense, especially since totalitarian can be compatible with either “fascist” or “socialist” and is thus not really an ideology, per se, but a political technique for imposing one.

    8. Brett Says:

      Hmmm…. It called me Social Liberal and Economic moderate… a Centrist.. i dont really agree with that. The questions I don’t think were fair at all.

    9. Matthew Says:

      Does anyone else wonder why their graph puts the left on the right?

    10. Fruits and Votes Says:

      Sanders, socialism, and the ideological spectrum

      Why would I like better a Democratic party that no longer had Maxine Waters, Dennis Kucinich, Barney Frank, and other leftists, if I am a social democrat (i.e. on the “left”) myself?

    11. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » A False Dichotomy Says:

      [...] ervative” mean both in general terms and in the American political context (although I have noted before that I am not all that happy with those labels). Avoiding that discussion for at least th [...]

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