Friday, June 17, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the Miami Herald: Gov. Bush calls for Schiavo probe

One day after an exhaustive autopsy sought to end much of the controversy over Terri Schiavo’s life, and eventual death, Gov. Jeb Bush said he plans to ask prosecutors to investigate whether her husband took too long to call for help on the night she collapsed in 1990.

Given that there are no reasons that I am aware of to enter into such an investigation aside from inneudo and speculation about Michael might, or might not have, done 15 years ago, this strikes me as a waste of state resources.

If evidence existed of criminality, I would expect that it would have suggested itself to doctors when Terri first went to the hospital.

Given that people die mysteriously all the time, and the fact that numerous known crimes (with evidence and everything) are not yet solved, this strikes me as an indefensible diversion of Florida state resources.

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3 Responses to “Jeb Won’t Let Schiavo Case Die”

  • el
  • pt
    1. The Misanthrope Says:

      He is vindictive just like his brother when the evidence is against him.

    2. Lone Ranger Says:

      Terri didn’t die mysteriously. She was starved to death in front of God and everybody. If you were to starve your goldfish to death, you’d face the justice system. I don’t want this country to go down this particular path.

    3. The Misanthrope Says:

      She was not starved. It was dehyration and as difficult as it is to let someone die, it was the right decision in this case. Read the reports.

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