Friday, June 10, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Saddam lawyers ‘left in the dark’

the lawyers say they have none of the estimated eight million documents relating to the case, and have not been formally told of the charges.

Saddam Hussein has been allowed two meetings with his lawyers since his capture in December 2024.

The complaints from his Jordan-based lawyers cast serious doubts on the claim that his trial could begin on schedule, says the BBC’s John Leyne in Amman.

Indeed, while it is certainly the case that ultimately the case against Saddam is a slam-dunk, for the interest of democratic development and the international legitimacy of the trial, the Iraqi government is going to have to be above-board and by-the-book on this. While I have no idea what the precise rules are/will be, one assumes that a reasonable period of discovery and review of documents would be provided, and certainly Saddam is going to have to have some time to meet with his representation.

As such, it would seem that the trial won’t be happening in the short term.

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