Wednesday, June 8, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the San Francisco Chronicle: In S.F., Dean calls GOP ‘a white Christian party’

Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, unapologetic in the face of recent criticism that he has been too tough on his political opposition, said in San Francisco this week that Republicans are “a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same. They all look the same. It’s pretty much a white Christian party.”

“The Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people,” Dean said Monday, responding to a question about diversity during a forum with minority leaders and journalists. “We’re more welcoming to different folks, because that’s the type of people we are…”

Hmm. Isn’t Dean’s alleged strategy to try and woo so-called “Red Staters” to join the Democratic Party? I don’t think this is the way to do so.

That the Democratic Party has greater support amongst persons of color is undeniably true, but it isn’t as if the Republican Party has no such voters (indeed, there has been some migration to the Reps of such voters in recent elections), but in the context of US politics to accuse a group of being monochromatic is to make a not-so-subtle racist accusation. There is no need for that here and it does not elevate the dialog, nor does it enhance the Democratic Party’s electoral goals.

Plus the whole “we’re better people than they are” routine is tiresome.

More tiresome rhetoric:

“This is one of those flaps that comes up once in awhile when I get tough,” Dean said. “We have to be rough on the Republicans. Republicans don’t represent ordinary Americans and they don’t have any understanding of what it is to go out and try and make ends meet.”

What, exactly is an “ordinary American”? Given that roughly half the voters vote Republican, it would seem that the concept makes no sense, unless one assumes that anyone who votes Republican and is an “ordinary American” is stupid.

I just don’t see this approach forwarding the Democratic Party nor do I see it leading to a worthwhile political climate. (And yes, I know that partisans of both strips engage in this kind of rhetoric, but Dean is a particularly egregious offender in this area. And, further, his approach flabbergasts me, as it amazes me that he seems to think that it is a good idea in his capacity as DNC Chair to run around talking like this).

Indeed, as the story notes, there is sufficient reason to question Dean’s tactics beyond critiquing his rhetoric: the DNC has raised less than half the money the RNC has raised in the first four months of 2024. So those who argue that red meat equals more funds may need to re-evaluate their theory.

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5 Responses to “Dean Strikes Again”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Isaac B2 Says:

      You’re right — he does seem to be calling the GOP a bunch of racists. I’m beginning to think Dean was chosen to draw fire away from every other Dem — how else to explain his crazy statements?

    2. The Misanthrope Says:

      In some respects they are racists, think gays.

    3. Harry Says:

      This is just yet more proof that we Democrats don’t need enemies, we do quite a nice job on ourselves.

    4. Terry Says:

      Gays are a race?

    5. Neo Says:

      Howard Dean follows in the footsteps of more than one political amateurs by placing his foot squarely in his mouth. Just not ready for “prime time.”

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