Sunday, April 4, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

According to Mockus’  web site, Fajardo will be given a week to think about the offer to join the Green Party’s presidential ticket.  He notes that a temporary VP nominee will be registered tomorrow (the legal deadline) with the assumption being that it will be changed on April 12th  (which is the legal deadline for making amendments to the inscription):

“Sergio Fajardo solicitó una semana para acordar los términos del acuerdo y respetamos su decisión. La ley prevé que se puede inscribir un candidato a la vicepresidencia y luego cambiarse. Por eso inscribiremos temporalmente como fórmula vicepresidencial a Liliana Caballero, actual miembro de la Dirección Nacional del Partido Verde”.El candidato a la vicepresidencia se podrá modificar hasta el 12 de abril.

[Sergio  Fajarado has requested a week to arrange the terms of the agreement and we respect his decision.  The law provides that one can inscribe a candidate for the vice presidency and later change it.  Therefore, we will temporarily inscribe a ticket with Liliana Caballero, current member of the  National Directorate of the Green Party.  The vice presidential candidate can be changed until April 12th.]

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