The Collective
Saturday, July 4, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

There appear to be as many theories about Sarah Palin’s resignation as there are stars in the sky (see Mickey Kaus for a partial rundown).

It seems to me that really there are only two basic categories of explanation that really matter at the moment: she’s running or she’s not. Some are convinced that she is quitting politics altogether, but I am nagged by the fact that she didn’t come close to saying that yesterday. Granted, it was a rambling, incoherent set of statements that make interpretation difficult, but I must confess that to me it sounded like vintage Palin: like a student who didn’t adequately prepare for a 15 minute presentation who wants to make all her semi-memorized points yet all the while making sure to fill enough time.

I am of the opinion, based on here recent behavior (i.e., trying quite hard to stay in the public eye) and what she said yesterday that she is gearing up for a run for the GOP nomination in 2024.

I don’t by the way, think this a smart move, but it is still what I think is going on (although like everyone else, I am wondering when Palin is going to let us in on her plans).

If anything, I was struck by this:

Remember Alaska… America is now, more than ever, looking North to the Future. It’ll be good.

I took that as an allusion to her and a candidacy. Why else would her resignation lead America to “look North to the Future”? If she is leaving politics, she would be a thing of the past, not the future.

Likewise the end of the speech:

In the words of General MacArthur said, “We are not retreating. We are advancing in another direction.”

Now, that could mean pursuits outside of politics, but if that is her plan, why not be more clear about it?

Also, the whole basketball analogy she used seem to be a direct allusion to national politics:

Let me go back to a comfortable analogy for me - sports… basketball. I use it because you’re naive if you don’t see the national full-court press picking away right now: A good point guard drives through a full court press, protecting the ball, keeping her eye on the basket… and she knows exactly when to pass the ball so that the team can WIN. And I’m doing that - keeping our eye on the ball that represents sound priorities - smaller government, energy independence, national security, freedom! And I know when it’s time to pass the ball - for victory.

Now, it is possible that the above means that she thinks taking herself out of politics entirely is good for the GOP and the country (which I suppose she may think, but this seems unlikely), or she thinks that she can better get in the game by passing off the governorship and then playing on.

Full text of the speech (and video thereof) can be found here.

I have been less than impressed with her intellect and political instincts from the beginning and therefore have no problem believing that she decided that quitting early was to her political benefit so as to pursue a run for the GOP nomination was the right move to make.

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Filed under: 2012, US Politics | |
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4 Responses to “Back to Palin”

  • el
  • pt
    1. RandyB Says:

      Wow, what a presser. Classic Palin in the zone (twilight); your characterization is dead on. How’s Tina Fey going to one-up that?

      I think this is what happens when you only read your own clippings. She apparently believes she can just walk away from her destiny’s distraction in Alaska and begin shaping the national climate to her liking.

      If one can’t handle the heat in Alaska, should they want to make DC home?

      Is abandoning her elected responsibility for personal opportunity going to endear her to the electorate - much of which is concerned about their own employment?

      It is somewhat alarming to me as the Nation deals with economic uncertainty and “interesting” international developments that Palin and a host of recycled right fringe players continue to dominate the stage for the GOP.

      Pandering emotional gobbley gook on one hand and hysteria on the other hardly seems fitting a party once priding itself as standing for conservative principles and a counter balance to reckless populist agendas.

    2. Janis Gore Says:

      That speech put the finale to my interest.

      I’ve wondered at the admiration for a governor of a subsidized state (public and private) with the population of two suburbs in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metro area

    3. Ratoe Says:

      A good point guard drives through a full court press, protecting the ball, keeping her eye on the basket… and she knows exactly when to pass the ball so that the team can WIN.

      I thought the basketball analogy was really funny.

      In her case the point guard can’t handle the opposition’s full court press and is begging the coach to take her out.

      It’s not the most inspiring leadership message!

    4. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      No, it wasn’t.

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