Tuesday, November 4, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Given that the nets (ABC and NBC anyway) have called PA for Obama, it would seem to me that we will have an early night.


Update: After initially explaining that they were uncomfortable calling PA as had other networks, Fox News has now called the state for Obama.

Update 2: CNN has called it now as well.

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9 Responses to “Over Already?”

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    1. Captain D Says:

      I suppose if the presidency was the only thing we were voting on, then yes; but I’m at least a little bit interested in the House and Senate, and very interested in a lot of stuff local to me here in Georgia. We had three state constitutional amendments on the ballot; my county sheriff; and the chairman of the county commission on the ballot.

      The focus of your blog is national and international politics, and so the nature of my comments here has usually been that; but to be honest I’m more worried about who the next Sheriff and County Commission chairman is than president.

      These are people who can directly affect my life. The president cannot.

    2. MSS Says:

      Well, CNN is still keeping coy.

      (Fun as it is to watch, I wish we had a federal law embargoing all results or ‘calls’ till all polls were closed nationwide–as is is the case in Canada.)

    3. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Captain: I was just referring to the presidency, of course. There is still much to watch.

      MSS: Fox is holding off as well. Indeed, at the moment they are explaining why they are holding off.

    4. Liveblogging the Election « Blog Entry « Dr. Melissa Clouthier Says:

      [...] Pennsylvania called for Obama mean that it’s [...]

    5. MSS Says:

      CNN just called PA. (Was there ever any doubt? No.)

    6. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      No, there wasn’t. I never understood the optimism on the part of the McCain camp in regards to PA. The numbers never indicated (to me, anyway) any real chance for them.

    7. Captain D Says:

      I don’t understand why you can’t understand McCain’s optimism about PA; the alternative was bascially just dropping out of the race, not being on the ballot, just handing it over to Obama and not even running a campaign.

      What the heck is wrong with running a campaign, even in the face of strong polls? I don’t see a reason not to do that. That’s democracy. We still do have two parties, at least for now.

      All these polls done beforehand, and all this forecasting – man, I say, just let the guys campaign and let the process happen. Count the votes at the end, and who wins, wins.

      Why was it so wrong for McCain to try to win?

    8. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      I never said that there was anything wrong with trying to win. However, there is a difference between trying to win and actually having a shot at so doing.

      There is little doubt that the McCain camp was overly optimistic, especially over the weekend, about PA.

    9. Captain D Says:

      Danny Yearwood upset incumbent Doug Garrison for chairman of the county commission in Barrow County, GA. That’s great news, because Garrison was a crook. The sheriff was also an underdog upset, which is even better news, because the sheriff was an even bigger crook.

      I’m looking for good news where I can find it, and taking some solace in federalism; I suspect that I will be retracting from comments on these national political blogs for a while, and participating more in local politics, where there are rational people coming into office. There will be nothing to talk about federally until there is another election, as the federal government is essentially a one-party deal now.

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