Thursday, April 10, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

The following ad, by, is exactly the kind of thing that McCain is going to be faced with this fall–and regardless of one’s partisan predilections, one has to admit, it is a pretty effective ad:

The ad clearly underscores the ongoing narrative out of the White House on Iraq for the entire length of the war and why it essentially impossible to take any of their assessments as reflective of reality. This is a major problem for McCain, to put it mildly.

h/t: John Cole

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2 Responses to “A Preview of the Coming Fall Campaign”

  • el
  • pt
    1. MSS Says:

      That’s absolutely spectacular.

    2. B. Minich Says:

      AHHHHH!!! He even sounds like Tigh!

      Glad to see the return of the Friedman Unit.

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