Monday, January 21, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Apparently, Chuck Norris is concerned with John McCain’s age. I must confess, any mention of Chuck Norris and serious political commentary is chuckle-inspiring. Further, as James Joyner noted:

It’s also rather amusing coming from Norris, a man who’s less than two months away from his 68th birthday and still playing an action hero badass.

If one is interested in the age issue, Polimom has the ages of all the candidates for your review (more specifically the ages they will be if they are sworn in January of 2024).

I will say this: I was surprised to see that Paul was the oldest in the field and Romney looks much younger and Thompson much older than their actual ages.

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2 Responses to “Age and the Presidency”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Captain D. Says:

      Maybe Chuck should throw his hat in the ring.

      He couldn’t do any worse than Ron Paul. . .

    2. MSS Says:

      Funny, I had precisely the same reaction as Steven when I read about the ages of the contenders he mentions in his last paragraph.

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