Monday, November 20, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Their legal people finally responded to the effect that “poliblog” was a generic term for a politics or policy blog, hence I have no claim to the name. And even if I did, they told me, there was no chance of confusion over their site and mine.

I have not decided how to respond at this point.

The basic story is here.

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7 Responses to “Verizon”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Jan Says:

      How unique does a name/word/image have to be in order for it to be copyrighted or considered a trademark?

    2. Professor Chaos Says:

      This would imply that my site — obviously much less seriously and social-scientific than yours — is a poliblog as well. Clearly this is ridiculous.

      My suggestion is that you fight the power; the facts are on your side and there is an overarching principle to defend (if nothing else we academics are about defending principles).

    3. Steve Says:

      Seems like a good reason to hammer verizon!

      This Xanga site shows up not far down the PoliBlog Google results….

      Are you pushing on them as well?

      Anyway, I do wish you success in solving the verizon problem.

    4. Modulator Says:

      A Blog to Support and A Blog to Bury

      I’ve been reading PoliBlog for a few years now and generally find Steven Taylor’s posts to be interesting and thought provoking. Apparently Verizon is attempting to steal the name. (Update here) I will not read or link* to the Verizon site until they…

    5. Scott G Says:

      I have registered enough trademarks to know that they are absolutely wrong about the “generic term” issue. As far as the “likelihood of confusion” standard (the most important consideration in trademark registration), it’s iffy. Regardless, you have been using it longer, and therefore have some trademark claim, though perhaps not exclusive. It would help your case if you had registered it on the federal trademark register.

    6. Steven L. Says:

      Given the target, a competent attorney in the field should agree to speak with you — this is a possible contingency case with not a lot of cost on the Plaintiff side. I’d talk to someone.


    7. Alabama Moderate Says:

      You have got to be kidding me! I say this as a former Verizon Online employee: If Verizon spent half as much time and energy fixing their network as they do on ridiculous legal claims and bullying, they’d be at the top of the board when it comes to service.

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